Sat Mens La Super Liga     (April 2016)
Sat Mens La Super Liga Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Motagua 8701412322180.875
Necaxa 9432555814-30.444
Juventud Cristiana 933338361220.333
Charruas 833252471150.375
Juventus 934242411110.333
Arsenal 907219422-230.000
Sat Mens La Super Liga Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Sat-Apr 2   Charruas 9 - 5 Necaxa Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 2   Motagua 4 - 1 Juventud Cristiana Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-Apr 2   Arsenal 0 - 3 Juventus Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 9   Motagua 6 - 3 Charruas Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 9   Arsenal 3 - 5 Juventud Cristiana Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 9   Juventus 5 - 7 Necaxa Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-Apr 16   Motagua 5 - 3 Arsenal Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-Apr 16   Juventud Cristiana 4 - 5 Necaxa Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 16   Charruas 8 - 3 Juventus Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 23   Arsenal 6 - 10 Necaxa Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-Apr 23   Motagua 4 - 3 Juventus Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 23   Charruas 7 - 9 Juventud Cristiana Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-Apr 30   Arsenal 5 - 7 Charruas Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 30   Necaxa 4 - 8 Motagua Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-Apr 30   Juventus 4 - 3 Juventud Cristiana Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-May 7   Juventus 9 - 2 Arsenal Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-May 7   Juventud Cristiana 3 - 3 Motagua Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-May 7   Necaxa 8 - 8 Charruas Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-May 14   Motagua  v  Charruas Result Pending Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-May 14   Necaxa 2 - 2 Juventus Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-May 14   Juventud Cristiana 3 - 0 Arsenal Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-May 21   Necaxa 11 - 10 Charruas Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular-SEMI-FINAL 
Sat-May 21   Juventud Cristiana 0 - 0 Arsenal Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
Sat-May 21   Motagua 5 - 3 Juventus Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular-SEMI-FINAL 
Sat-May 28   Motagua 6 - 3 Necaxa Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular-FINAL 
Sat-May 28   Juventus 10 - 10 Juventud Cristiana Complete Harmans Premier Field #4 Regular 
Sat-May 28   Charruas 0 - 0 Arsenal Complete Harmans Premier Field #5 Regular 
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Mens Open (Over 18)
Division: Premier
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 4/2/2016
End Date: 5/28/2016
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $790.00
Other Fee Info: $200 deposit required at the time of registration
Full amount due by game 3
More Info: 6v6 (5 +keeper)
Every team receives 9 games (7 regular & 2 play-off/consolation games)